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Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son, The Netherlands
T +31 40 26 77 300

Offices in:USA
T +1 610 714 9801

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T +46 766 111 728

T +39 11 397 0273

bioLNG, Stirling, biogas, upgrading, liquefaction, polishing, liquid biogas, LBG, LBM, green fuel, biomethane
bioLNG, Stirling, biogas, upgrading, liquefaction, polishing, liquid biogas, LBG, LBM, green fuel, biomethane, VAFABMiljo, VAFAB
bioLNG, Stirling, biogas, upgrading, liquefaction, polishing, liquid biogas, LBG, LBM, green fuel, biomethane, VAFABMiljo, VAFAB
bioLNG, Stirling, biogas, upgrading, liquefaction, polishing, liquid biogas, LBG, LBM, green fuel, biomethane, VAFABMiljo, VAFAB

LNG production plants

Stirling Cryogenics has designed an integrated gas purification & liquefaction plant together with sister company Hysytech Srl from Turin, Italy for micro scale LNG production.

The plants are of a modular design and can be supplied in the range of 1 – 30 ton/day with each Stirling module producing approximately 1 ton/day. There are several different designs for different feed gas compositions. Standard designs are available for:

With its in-house engineering department Stirling Cryogenics offers tailored designs as well for:

Plant Efficiency
Due to the efficient Stirling Cycle, the Stirling integrated purification & liquefaction plants are very energy efficient. Liquefaction of methane can be achieved at as low as 0.60 kWh/kg LNG.

The efficiency of the Stirling plant is maintained by the rangeability of its modular design. The feed gas flow is quite often not stable and rangeability of the plant is therefore often a hard requirement. In case of a lower flow rate, a number of Stirling modules can be turned off which allows maintaining the energy efficiency of the plant.

High Uptime
The plants are supplied with a guaranteed high uptime of more than 8,400 hours per year. The modular design of the plants has the additional benefit that the plant becomes intrinsically redundant. If one of the modules has a technical issue, the others remain operational.

Other Features
Other features of the Stirling integrated gas purification & liquefaction plant:


LNG Production


LNG Production

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